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#1 Withdrawal Symptoms

After nearly four months off from organising Cornish Ramblings rambles, I began suffering with severe withdrawal symptoms. I enjoyed going out on my own, it was a means to an end and a way to keep sane during lockdown; but to put it simply, I missed walking with my fellow ramblers more than I’d anticipated.

As soon as the nod was given to lockdown easing, I began researching locations and routes like a woman possessed. Once satisfied with the when and where, I released the information via the Cornish Ramblings newsletter and waited anxiously for anyone to get in touch to book a space. I needn’t have worried - within a matter of hours, over half of the spaces had gone and by the end of the day, every single spot on every single ramble had been filled.

In this blog series, I want to look back at these glorious rambles and give you a little snapshot of our adventures so far. Because of social distancing I have stuck to the ‘rule of six’ and for now, only allow 5 plus me (and Purdy) on each walk. Before lockdown, I would have anywhere between 10 and 30 people on a ramble so, to reduce it down to just 6 was a little strange to begin with. But admittedly, I have really enjoyed the smaller groups as it has allowed me to get to know each person a lot easier than it would when trying to navigate a group of 30 along a coastal path.

For now I am keen to keep things as they are as it works but watch this space for more updates - if you’ve yet to join us for a ramble, be sure to sign up to the mailing list today to receive details.

Keep reading for a little insight into our rambling adventures so far and don't forget to keep an eye out for parts #2 and #3...


June 2020

Sennen to Nanquidno – Sunday 28 June 2020

It was the last ramble before lockdown where I met four incredible women; Shelley, Susanna, Claire and Laura. If you follow Cornish Ramblings on social media, you will have no doubt heard me mention the Yellow Sock Ladies more than once!

During lockdown, the five of us kept sporadically in touch. These conversations became a lifeline to the outside world and were a constant reminder of there being others out there, waiting impatiently to explore Cornwall again. A few weeks into lockdown, I could tell that each of us had itchy feet and were desperate to get out for a walk. As soon as we were able to, we decided to organise a socially distanced ramble from Sennen to Lands End. Not only was I extremely excited to be back out with a group of people, I was also keen to use this as an opportunity to test the waters before taking groups of people out for rambles in July.

Other than the incredible views - which if I had to use an emoji to describe how I felt, would be a cross between heart eyes and jaw drop - the most memorable part about this ramble was the palpable elation that dashed between us all. After being caged for several weeks, feeling the salty breeze on our faces and breathing in lungsful of crisp coastal air was better than any high a drug could give you. Faces ached from grinning and throats grew scratchy from endless chatter as we made our way around the coast in a bubble of joy and relief. We were all on a high that day which I know lasted for several days after. I could have wept when seeing the endless coastlines and azure sea which disappeared into the sky – it felt a lifetime in which I was kept away, deprived, of these views that upon seeing them for the first time in weeks, I felt more joy than I could possibly describe.

This particular route is a moderate 5-mile circular walk, taking in the divine coast along the length of Whitesand Bay from Sennen Cove and along to Gwynver. Clambering across boulders, you will eventually make your way up onto the rugged coastline where you will be left in awe at the craggy rocks sticking out precariously over the water. The views across Sennen Cove, Whitesand Bay and Aire point are worth lingering at so be prepared for many a gawping jaw.

You can follow this route from Sennen to Nanquidno using the iWalk Cornwall app.

Read about the adventures from the last ramble before lockdown here; Boggy Delights


July 2020

Sennen to Lands End – Sunday 19 July 2020

After taking a breather from rambling with a group for a few weeks, the Yellow Sock Ladies and I decided to head out for another Sennen adventure, but this time walked in the opposite direction towards Lands End. I was particularly looking forward to this walk because along this route, a Cornish gem I had yet to venture to lay in wait; Nanjizal. I had seen many shots of this beauty on social media and became jealous that I had yet to explore this cave of wonders and boulder strewn beach. When the opportunity finally came around, I was overjoyed and can now tick it off my bucket list.

This 6-mile circular route is graded moderate, and although starts on a fairly steep incline, you’ll be rewarded at the top with some magnificent views. Starting at Sennen you will make your way along the South West coast path and around the headlands at Lands End to Zawn Reeth, before making your way back along the coast to Mill Bay.

Along the way you will find Nanjizal, which is where we decided to stop for a dip in the sea and a homemade chocolate brownie, courtesy of the wonderful Laura. I was not left disappointed by Nanjizal and feel satisfied to have finally witnessed its delights. If you have yet to explore this neck of the woods then I can definitely recommend it.

You can follow the route from Sennen to Lands End using the iWalk Cornwall app.

Hells Mouth to Godrevy – Saturday 25 July 2020

For the first proper organised Cornish Ramblings ramble, I decided upon this particular route because I knew it was sure to be a satisfying stomp with some much-needed coastal action. I was a little nervous at the start, as I usually am before any Cornish Ramble, but more so this time around because it was the first ramble I had organised since March, where actual spots needed to be filled. However, as soon as everyone had arrived I was relieved to see many happy and ready to go faces and felt that familiar warm feeling I get on each ramble come flooding back.

This 5-mile circular walk takes you from the high cliffs at Hells Mouth to Navax Head before crossing the heathland reserve of the Knavocks. Walking further along the coast, past dramatic scenery (so be sure to remember your camera) you will reach the highly anticipated Mutton Cove. Mutton Cove is notorious for its well-loved large grey seal colony which you can see from the cliff top. During breeding season, you can see plenty of these glorious mammals sleeping and swimming. Although it is great to go and visit these characters, it is highly recommended that you do not descend down to the beach or disturb the seals in any way. Keeping noise to a minimum is also a must as anything that spooks them could drive them away.

The latter part of this walk takes you back around to the Red River Valley and along footpaths where you will return to Hell’s Mouth. Here you can finish your ramble with a well-deserved ice cream at the Hell’s Mouth café.

You can follow the route from Hell's Mouth to Godrevy using the iWalk Cornwall app.

I last took the group on this particular ramble back in 2018 and you can read all about it in my blog ‘Spot the Seals’.


Be sure to keep an eye out for part two of this blog series where I share a snapshot of our rambles during August; coming soon.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the mailing list to be notified of any new blogs, as well as the newsletter which I send out monthly with details of any upcoming rambles and news.

And if you aren't already, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter :)

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